Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In My Mind You Were Mine What Did I Know

So I really like Plain White T's. Good stuff, very good. Nice alterna-pop feel. Yes, I made that term up... but doesn't it fit? Fun and musically sound, love it, love it.


Six years ago over 2,000 people died. Because of that over 50,000 more have lost their lives. Math isn't my strong suit... but, uhm...

When we will finally question the assertion that war is inevitable? When will we realize that it is the most inefficient way of solving a problem possible. When will people stop following selfish, power-drunk fools? When will we finally take responsibility?

I am personally responsible for the Iraq War. Why? Because I didn't try to stop it. I didn't speak out. You are responsible too, if you didn't. No, you alone are not responsible, but there is responsibility on your shoulders. If you let the wave of "patriotism" carry you too, you are responsible. Do not make excuses. Accept the truth.


Go fix it.

That sounds ludicrous, but it isn't. Barrack Obama isn't going to end the War. Hillary Clinton isn't going to end the War. And John McCaine isn't going to continue the War. We are. Until American's understand what this War is, nothing will change. So take responsibility. It's not that hard, the facts support you.

Whether you think we need to stay or you think we need to go, it's clear we need a change. Don't just petition your congressmen. Don't just attend rallies for you party. Petition your neighbor. Attend parties of your friends. What people don't understand is that in a representative democracy, the people hold the power. The politicians won't move an inch without public support, for fear of losing office. If you want change in congress, change in the white house, you have to institute change on the streets and in the homes of Americans. Until American's believe something, the politicians will believe nothing.

In closing, George W. Bush was not responsible for the Iraq War. Exxon-Mobile wasn't. Haliburton wasn't. A Republican Congress wasn't. You were responsible. I was responsible. We were responsible. Feel the shame, and let it motivate you to change everything.


Anonymous said...

And still we stand

Mike, six years ago I watched in horror as the events unfolded live on television. Tonight, I watched a special that replayed those events. It was disturbing. And then I went out back to sit on my porch and I thought, we're still here.

They threw the best they had at us. It unnerved us. It screwed with our economy. It cost nearly 3,000 lives. But we're still here.

The best response we can give to the extremists who launched the 9/11 attacks is to go on with our lives.

Vote, people. Vote to preserve our liberties against a party that has the potential to do far more harm to our way of life than Islamic extremists can ever do. Vote for our civil liberties. Vote for our right to read what we want, say what we want, and yell what we want. Just vote.

Mike Potter said...

It is not the "party" that will do harm to this country... it is the millions of people who support its ideals that will. If the "party" disappeared right now... those people would still be here doing what they could to advance its goals. Voting is only the beginning. Putting a man or woman in office doesn't change those millions of minds, that's our job.