Friday, September 7, 2007

And Did I Dissapoint You, Leave A Bad Taste In Your Mouth?

First, might I direct your attention to the right of this post? There is a poll there. I'd appreciate your taking it. Thank you.

In other news, I installed two gigabytes of fresh RAM in my laptop. You have to understand, this is an event. The world shakes, the foundation of the universe splits open and a cloud of fire is the only warning as a new kind of hell is born. I have never before modified the hardware of my electronics. Screwing with things I don't understand is fundamentally against standard operating procedure. But Zach, the bastard, has opened the door to my learning about the inside parts of a computer... and now... as I stated, a new hell is born.

Computer stuff be expensive. I am a poor college student eeking by at $400 a month, which covers eating and gasoline. I have money for nothing else. I am going to go hungry in order to pay for Halo 3. Which is okay. But I cannot go hungry in order to buy Video Cards and such non-sense. Stop this madness!

Other than that, though, life is good. Today is the end of the school week, hallelujah. I am very happy about this fact, let me say. It's been an odd week for some reason, and I'm ready for the fresh start next week is in my mind. Also, I'm going to be hanging with my main man Zach tomorrow. And Sunday, the wedding of Aaron Cutshaw and Calli Burton. W00t.

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In closing, I need a freakin' bagle. Come bring me one.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

by 'nothing' i mean 'nothing specific like that'. eassays are good to do because systematic thought abstracted to language can help the reader learn both what systematic thought is and how to better systematize/ communicate their feelings and thoughts. reviews are fun for the same reasons; plus, we get to sample your authorship's impressions on a piece of experience that might even be available for the reader's eyesearsnosemouthfingers. resulting comparisons = even more stimulating thoughts. and, speaking of stimulation, humor as a merciful, inoffensive (or, sometimes, not) exposure of errors or oddities in our collective thinkings is a welcome and even necessary addition to any writer's arsenal.
i imagine that you're not here to demonstrate a separation of these established conventions/mediums or to merely demonstrate one after another -- so, what i really mean to say is that i'm not sure that type of poll is as instructive a to-write-about guide as maybe waiting for a particular inspiration, making strides in a less established formats [dialogues; description, but with the twist of knowing your audience is handicapped somehow (blind, deaf); correspondence, manifesto..], or introspection with an eye towards finding a motif {'my life's flashes of green' or 'the implications of involuntary movement at certain times' -- i'm really just talking out of my hat here} and expounding upon it.
i hope that helps? and i look forward to writing more verbose things about the fourth option of your polls.