Monday, August 27, 2007

If You Talk Too Much My Head Will Explode

Sunday is the Sabbath, a day of rest. That has nothing to do with my not blogging then, but it's a nice sentiment. People always laugh at things like not working on Sunday, calling it stupid superstition. I happen to believe God knows us well, and knows we all need a break, but the only way to get us to take it, is to make us.

Today is Monday the Twenty-Seventh of August, 2007. Today, for the first time in near ages, nay eons, I ran in the morning. Zachary accompanied me, and we must have made for an amusing couple. I was in athletic shorts and a high school diversity t-shirt, with some nice running shoes. Zach was clunking along beside me in black pants and shirt and large semi-athletic shoes. The two of us were joking all the way till the last fourth, when we started feeling the oxygen deprivation in our wee little legs.

In other news, Bioshock is an excellent game, with very interesting dynamics. I don't know if it has the much lauded replay value everyone speaks of, but it was definitely a fun experience the first time through. I will say that it is possibly the most disturbing game I've ever played. When you see a man using death and human flesh as his media, you know you have reached a new level of depravity.

I just finished the workload for today in Visual Communications, which was surprisingly easy. But that was because it was hand made, and I do much better drawing than I do cutting out thin strips of news print and meticulously applying them to six and a half inch squares.


1 comment:

thepatient113 said...

i keep hearing that bioshock is an amazing game. i created this account to read and respond to your blog. i just keep creating online accounts. ::groan::