Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lets Start This Off Right

At 8:56am, Wednesday the 22nd of August in the year (of our dear blessed lord) 2007, I started my tenure at the prestigious Herron School of Art and Design. HSAD is a part of the not so prestigious Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis, affectionately dubbed by the locals "IUPUI" (which is often phonetically pronounced "oo-ee-poo-ee").

I am a "Visual Communications" major, which is a very special way of saying I will make pictures that say things. I have found that people in a certain field will do anything to obfuscate their profession, because we tend to have a healthy respect for that which we do not understand. Thusly, we give "artists" more respect than "painters", even though, in the grand scheme of things, they are same. (also: more respect for "philosophers" than "thinkers", and "politicians" than "bullsh*tters") But as I am wont to do, I digress.

I came to Herron with the full expectation of being completely unprepared, out of my league, and bound for years of uphill struggle. Despite my nervousness, I was looking forward to this. Thus far... I have been disappointed. I am dissapointed because I am every bit as prepared as my peers here, and entirely within my league. I may be bound for uphill struggle, but it will be at my own prodding and not because of some sort of institutional might.

I say thus far, because it is now 8:35am on Thursday, August the twenty-fourth, year (of our dear blessed lord) 2007. And so, I am roughly 25 minutes from starting my SECOND day at Herron. With hope, it will be at least as satisfying as yesterday, and hopefully more.

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