Friday, August 24, 2007

Everymorning There's A Halo

A looming issue is emerging for me. That is the release of Halo 3 in about a month's time. I have purchased and X-box 360 Elite ($700) and a 32 inch LCD HDTV ($600) for no better purpose than to make this game ridiculous for me. I am accutely aware, in my rare lucid moments, that $1300 is a fairly ludicrous amount of money to spend on a game. (For the record, I went halvsies with Zach on all this stuff, I don't think he knows it's all for Halo 3, and am paying him back in both things purchased, and services rendered)

My first year at my first college, the illustrious Vincennes University, was nearly ruined by Halo 2. X-box Live made it possible for me to blow other people into steaming hunks of garbage at any hour, and I took full advantage. There were seriously nights were I was playing at... 3am... and I had class at 9am the next day. I was not... shall we say... aware of moderation.

So now we have this third one coming, promising to be as good as the first two combined. And I have to ask myself, should I just drop out now? Is that how this is going to go? I hope not, and I doubt it. It's just something that is worrisome. I know I would not be the first to succumb to Halo's enthralling nature.

1 comment:

kamicklemire said...

you're ridiculous. that's all. that's all i have to say on this matter, that and if this game messes with your grades, i won't be happy.