Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sooner Or Later God'll Cut You Down

Alright. Time to say it. Time to just go out and freaking say it.

It is not okay to just go around having sex "for fun."

It is not okay because A) It's stupid and B) It's immoral. On many, many levels.

1) 25% of people have Gential Herpes. That means if you have had sex with 4 or more people, you probably have Genital Herpes. That means, oozing genital sores. Yay.

2) There is no 100% effective prevention for anything sexual besides abstinence. And no, that is not too much to ask of people, if my freaking mother could do it, so can you.

3) Sex makes babies. That is the function of the act. Thusly, both bodies involved are trying to further this end. You may try to stop it, but it is trying to happen.

4) Babies are a serious thing. You do not probably think that the optimal way to choose a mother for your child is through getting drunk at a club. But that is what that kind of casual sex is.

5) Abortion is a nasty thing. No one likes it. Adoption in some what better. Raising a kid you didn't plan on is hard as hell. This is not a winning proposition.

6) Every freaking religion coaches people to keep their pants on until they have one reliable partner chosen. That's the collective 10,000 year wisdom of every civilization on the planet.

7) People get hurt by sex. It's an intense thing, yadda-yadda, and while I'm sure you probably are 100% clear it's just sex, and so is she, it's not, it can't be. Unless you've walled yourself off, in which case, you're pretty well lost anyway.


Thank you.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm Covered With, Microscopic Bacterium

I cannot speak persay.

When my mouth opens, some amorphous croak flaps past my lips, resembling language in the same way vomiting does. In fact, the auditory vomit I produce also feels the same as the real thing.

My throat has been liberally ground with sandpaper, or at least, so it feels.

So I'm really sick.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

You're All I Need, You're All I Need

Doing a new project for Visual Communications. Got a month and a half.


A poster visually representing motion.

What motion did Mike pick?

Movement of the Spirit.

A poster visually representing the journey of the Soul.

I am in no way ambitious.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Yeah We Killed It, We Killed It All Night

This christmas, I have a rather unique gift request. It is something I very, very much want. Trust me, there is nothing you could give that could mean more.

I want you to describe me.


I want at least one page.
You are describing me, not how I make you feel or how you feel about me.
I want faults/flaws/and blatant wrongs.
I'd also like my best features too if you could manage.
If you could, the more pages the better.
And another thing. Give at least a bit of thought as to how I see myself. Write about that if it seems worth including, since that's a pretty big part of me.

Please put a lot of thought into this.
I will appreciate it deeply.
